ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*ꢀꢁ !Eꢀꢁ !"#Fꢀ
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*!+ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-.
2003/1 (AB·C)
I Fixed Mount
I ꢀꢁ !
Eꢀꢁ !"#$%&'ISO/DINꢀ ꢁ F
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'(")*+,-./0123E∗Fꢀꢁ !"#$%&'%()
ꢀꢁ 9ꢀ
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'(#)*+,-./0(#12345678(#,9#:;
I ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
(TOYOTA, NISSAN and other ISO/DIN equipped vehicles)
Eꢀꢁ I=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =fplLafk=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ F
Installation/Wire Connection Guide
This unit is designed for fixed installation in the dashboard.
If the vehicle is equipped with a factory-installed radio, install the source unit with the
parts and screws marked (∗). (Figure 9)
If the vehicle is not equipped with a factory-installed radio, obtain an installation kit to
install the source unit in the following procedure.
ꢀ=ꢀꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"K=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !I=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=E∗Fꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K
Eꢀꢁ 9F
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !I=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K
ꢀꢁ/ꢀꢁ !
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'(
Remove the stopper following the procedures below.
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#K
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&' 6ꢀꢁ
2. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'( 7ꢀꢁ
3. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+ 8ꢀꢁ
∗ ꢀꢁ !"#$%
1. Remove the screw from the source unit (Figure 6).
2. Remove the stopper from the source unit (Figure 7).
3. Install the remove screw to the source unit (Figure 8).
∗ Securely attach the screw.
1. ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"K=Eꢀꢁ 6F
2. ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"K=Eꢀꢁ 7F
3. ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"K=Eꢀꢁ 8F
∗ ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"#K
1. BEFORE STARTING / ꢀꢁ ! / ꢀꢁ
1. This set is exclusively for use in cars with a
negative ground, 12 V power supply.
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'12Vꢀꢁ !"#$%
1. ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =12VI=åÉÖ~íáîÉ=ÖêçìåÇꢀ=ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"K
ꢀ ꢁ: ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0!1234567
Note: Store the removed stopper in a safe place together with the Instruction Manual.
ꢀ: ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K
2. Read these instructions carefully.
2. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'
2. ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !"#=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"#K
3. Be sure to disconnect the battery “v” terminal
before starting. This is to prevent short circuits
during installation. (Figure 1)
3. ꢀꢁ !"#$%ꢀ&'()vꢀꢁ !"#
3. ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=“v” ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ !K=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀ
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ K=Eꢀꢁ=1F
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'(1F
Figure 1 / ꢀ 1 / ꢀꢁ 1
/ ꢀꢁ !"#$% / ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !
1. Prepare all articles necessary for installing the source unit before
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*(+,-./0123
1. ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"#K
2. ꢀꢁ !"#$ꢁ%&'()*+,-30°ꢀꢁ Eꢀ2F
3. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-.,/01#234567
4. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*ꢁ +,$%-./012*Eꢀ3F
2. ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=30°=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K=Eꢀꢁ=2F
2. Install the unit within 30° of the horizontal plane. (Figure 2)
3. ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ =ꢀ=ꢀ
3. If you have to do any work on the car body, such as drilling holes,
consult your car dealer beforehand.
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"#K
4. ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#K=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀ
4. Use the enclosed screws for installation. Using other screws can
cause damage. (Figure 3)
4. Secure the mounting brackets to the chassis as shown in Figure 9. Holes are pre-
tapped for TOYOTA and NISSAN vehicles; modification, such as drilling new holes, of
the mounting brackets may be required for other models.
4. ꢀꢁ9ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789 :;3<=>
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-
4. ꢀꢁ 9ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀ
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !X=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !K
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !K=Eꢀꢁ=3F
5. ꢀꢁ6ꢀꢁ !"#$
5. Wire as shown in Section 6.
5. ꢀꢁ 6ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ K
6. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-. %&'/01'2
6. Secure the unit in the dashboard, and then reassemble the dashboard and the center
6. ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"#K
Figure 2 / ꢀ 2 / ꢀꢁ 2
Figure 3 / ꢀ 3 / ꢀꢁ 3
/ ꢀꢁ !ꢁ" / ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
I ꢀꢁ !"#
I Universal Mount
I ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
1. Place the universal mounting bracket into the instrument panel, use a
screwdriver to bend each stopper of the universal mounting bracket
inward, t-hen secure the stopper as shown in Figure 4.
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+ ,-.ꢀꢁ !"#$/0123
1. ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢀ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=4ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#K
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'4ꢀꢁ !"#$%
2. ꢀꢁ6ꢀꢁ !"#$
2. Wire as shown in Section 6.
2. ꢀꢁ=6ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ K
∗ : The parts and SCREW with this mark are used to install radio or included in the
installation kit.
# : The screws with this mark are originally attached to the vehicle.
Note 1: In some cases, the center panel may require some modification (trimming, filling,
Note 2: If a hook on the installation bracket interferes with the unit, bend and flatten it
with a nipper or a similar tool.
∗ : ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-./012*+3456
∗ : ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !I=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !
ꢀꢁ !K
# : ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !K
3. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&!'()*+,-./
4. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'(&)*+,-.$/012345Eꢀ 5F
# : ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()"*
3. Insert the source unit into the universal mounting bracket until it
3. ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !K
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !K=EꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ=ꢀF
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀ
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !K
4. ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !
4. Take care of the top and bottom of the outer escutcheon and mount it
so that all the hooks are locked. (Figure 5)
ꢀꢁK=Eꢀꢁ 5F
1) ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-.&/012345Clarionꢀ
ꢀꢁ !"
1) Some car models require special mounting kits for proper
installation. Consult your Clarion dealer for details.
1) ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !K=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=`ä~êáçåꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K
2) Fasten the front stopper securely to prevent the source unit from
coming loose.
2. Remove the Detachable Control Panel (DCP).
∗ For instructions on removing the DCP, refer to the owner’s manual.
/ ꢀꢁ !"# / ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()3ꢀꢁ3. ꢀꢁ !ꢁ"#$%&'()*+,
2) ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*"+
2) ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ !K
1. When removing the source unit, disassemble it in the reverse of the order in
1. ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ=“3. ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ”=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#K
2. ꢀꢁ ꢀꢁ!"#$%EDCPFꢀ
∗ ꢀꢁ ꢀꢁ!"#$%EDCPFꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*
3. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()* 10ꢀ
4. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&=ꢀꢁ 11ꢀ
5. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*
2. ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁEDCPFꢀ=ꢀꢁ !"K
∗ DCP=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#K
3. ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"K=Eꢀꢁ 10F
4. ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !K=Eꢀꢁ 11F
3. Press the outer escutcheon upward and remove it. (Figure 10)
4. Insert and lock the hook plates. (Figure 11)
5. ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"K
5. Pull the hook plates to remove the source unit.
/ ꢀꢁ !"#$% / ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !
1. Be sure to turn the power off when wiring.
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'
1. ꢀꢁ =ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !K
2. Be particularly careful where you route the wires. Keep them well away from the
engine, exhaust pipe, etc. Heat may damage the wires.
2. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-./01ꢁ +
2. ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"K=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !K
3. If the fuse should blow, check that the wiring is correct. If it is, replace the fuse
with a new one with the same amperage rating as the original one.
3. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-./
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456+,-789
3. ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ I=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !K
4. To replace the fuse, open the lock on the source unit side, remove the old fuse and
insert the new one. (Figure 12)
4. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-.$/01 !"2)34 !"567 12ꢀ
4. ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
∗ ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*ꢀ+*,-./01%23456789:;<=
ꢀK=Eꢀꢁ 12F
∗ There are various types of fuse cases. Do not let the battery side terminal touch
∗ ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !K=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !K
5. ꢀꢁ !"CeNETꢀꢁ !"#$%&
other metal parts.
ꢀꢁ CeNETꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
∗ ꢀCeNETꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+ꢀꢁ !CCA-520ꢀ8ꢀꢁE2K5ꢀFꢀꢁ
CCA-521ꢀ2ꢀꢁE0.6ꢀFꢀꢁ Yꢀꢁ !CCA-519ꢀꢁ !"#$
∗ ꢀꢁClarionꢀꢁ CeNETꢀꢁ !"
5. Connect the CeNET extension cable fully and securely until it locks. When the
CeNET extension cable is pulled, hold the slide cap part and pull it towards you.
∗ When the CeNET extension cable is extended or branches, use extension cable
CCA-520 (8 feet [2.5m]) or CCA-521 (2 feet [0.6m]), or Y-adapter CCA-519
(each of them is sold seperately).
5. CeNET=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ K
CeNET=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ ꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ I=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ K
∗ CeNET=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=CCA-520E8=ꢀꢁ
x2.5mzF=ꢀꢁ=CCA-521E2ꢀꢁx0.6mzF=ꢀꢁ=vJꢀꢁ =CCA-519ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
∗ Use the CeNET extension cable made by Clarion.
∗ Clarionꢀꢁ=CeNET=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#K
Figure 5 / ꢀ 5 / ꢀꢁ=5
Figure 4 / ꢀ 4 / ꢀꢁ=4
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