PACKAGED WITH HOUSING______________________________________________
• External UR/Pro Color Filter
• Internal Lens Shade
• Silicone Lubricant
#6038.50 Sony HDR SX11, 12
COLOR FILTER_____________________________________
The installation and usage of the external UR/Pro
color filter is described in the general instruction manual.
LENS SHADE_______________________________________
The internal lens shade helps block light reflection/
refraction caused by the interaction of the external color
filter and the port.
Color Filter
Lens Shade
Carefully thread the lens shade on the front of the
camera lens. The lens threads are very fine;
cross thread. It should screw on
very easily. If it is difficult to turn, you are cross threading.
Completely thread the lens shade into the camera to avoid any potential
clearance or sealing problems when the camera is installed and the housing is sealed.
LCD MONITOR / EXTERNAL MIRROR______________________________________
The cameraꢁs LCD monitor can be viewed from the rear of the housing, using the
external mirror featured on the side of the housing.
Open the LCD monitor on the camera, rotate 180°, and then press it back against
the side of the camera. The external mirror is hinged so that it can be opened to reflect
the image from the cameraꢁs LCD monitor for viewing from the rear of the housing.
During transportation, please remember to close the mirror by pressing it against
the side of the housing or lid snap.
BATTERY AND TAPE______________________________________________________
Install a fully charged Sony battery on the camera:
This supplemental set of instructions describes additional features specific
to your housing model. Prior to testing the system in the water, please read
this supplement along with the general instruction manual to become familiar
with its features and functions.
Ikelite Video Cases are slightly negative in salt water for stability. This
housing has been water pressure tested at the factory and has a working
depth of 60m ꢀ200ꢁꢂ.
Power Zoom
Sony NPꢃFH50, NPꢃFH60, NPꢃFH70, NPꢃFH100
Lid Snap
Other brand batteries may not fit inside the housing.
Make sure you have loaded an appropriate digital cassette tape in the camera.
Focus Lock
HOUSING CONTROLS________________
• Power On/Off / Mode
OPTIONAL WIDE ANGLE LENS____________________________________________
The housingMs port accepts optional 67mm threaded waterproof WideꢃAngle lenses
such as the Ikelite #6420 Wꢃ20, Epoque DCLꢃ20 and Inon UWLꢃ100 Type 2. These
waterproof lenses secure to the outside of the lens port.
• Start/Stop
• Snap Shot / Photo
• Power Zoom
• LCD Screen Control #1
• LCD Screen Control #2
• LCD Reversing Circuit On/Off
• LCD Screen Control #3
• Focus Lock
Touch Pad
Should you elect to use an optional waterproof lens, carefully thread the lens on
the front of the lens port on the housing. The lens threads are very fine; DO NOT cross
thread. It should screw on very easily. If it is difficult to turn, you are cross threading.
Bottom Bar
INTERNAL WIDEꢃANGLE LENS OPTION ____________________________________
Special ports are available for use with the Raynox HDꢃ5050 Pro high definition
wideꢃangle lens. optional ports sold separately as dome port #9304 or flat lens port
#9304.1. Raynox HDꢃ5050 Pro lens not included. Lens not available for purchase
through Ikelite.
for Reverse
Snap Shot
EXTERNAL WIDEꢃANGLE PORT OPTION ____________________________________
The Ikelite #6480 WPꢃ80 is a complete unit, no additional lens or port is required.
The Wide Angle Port replaces the housingꢁs original port and cannot be removed and
replaced underwater. The WPꢃ80 is useable above water for up to 90 degree field of
view, underwater for up to 80 degree field of view ꢀexact angle of coverage varies with
camera modelꢂ.
MAIN OꢃRING #0109_________________
Oꢃrings last several years if properly
maintained. Control seals should not need to
be replaced as long as the control shafts are
kept clean and lightly lubricated.
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